Ensure And Enrich Your Brand Name With Automated Food Safety Audits

Enable Remote Auditing In Your Restaurant And Hotel To Stay On Track
Have complete control over your hotel, restaurant with our completely automated food management solution ( kitchen )
This pandemic hit us hard on the health and safety of our own self and the food we consume. Hotels, restaurants and many suchfood outlets must double-check and ensure that they deliver healthy food to their customers. Pro-Inspector helps you to lessen your workload. Our predetermined food safety checklists will definitely lift you up or simply you can modify them as per your wish.
Our Checklists in the spotlight
- Checklist for food safety
- Checklist for food hygiene
- Checklist for inspecting a food outlet/restaurant
- Checklist of Covid 19 safety precautions
- Checklist for the ISO standard
- Checklist for HACCP

Why Pro-Inspector for food safety
Food quality is the only factor that is hard to compromise in the food and beverage industry. These quality requirements need to be incorporated with operational processes as they have to meet the customer expectations. PRO-Inspector’s QMS enable the food and beverage industry to manage the quality of all the consumable goods by enabling organization’s quality expectations and achieve continuous improvement with better flexibility and scalability.

Why we use HACCP Software
Robust nonconformance management is now possible with our best food and beverage inspection app. Meet compliance with regulatory standards such as ISO 22000, FSMA, HARPC, ISO 15174, HACCP, and GFSI using our centralized HACCP software. Mitigate quality issues with our most powerful and secured CAPA management. It is better to calibrate, not contaminate. So, are you ready to upgrade to a digital way of managing food and beverage quality?
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