Case Studies
Their Solution, Our Pride
About The Customer
Brakes India Private Ltd
is a part of 7.2 billion dollar TVS Group which was established in 1962. It
is the largest brakes system supplier in India and their portfolio includes calipers,
actuators, drum brakes, valves, hose ABS, etc. They account for 150 engineering
departments and 7000 employees. They are the leading supplier of their products to
OEMs’ like MSIL, TATA, Toyota, Daimler, Volvo, Honda, and Volkswagen. They
have 25+ manufacturing units inside and outside India, catering to the needs of the
Challenges Faced
As the IATF standards target all the requirements of the industry with their larger
scope, they are also considered to be the most difficult audit to comply with when
compared to other audit procedures like EnMS, IMS, OSHAS, etc. Because of this,
the difficulties listed below, faced by the client, were quite obvious.
- The whole process of conducting a IATF audit, from Planning > Scheduling > Holding an Opening meeting > Executing the audit with multiple checklists > Holding a Closing meeting > Preparing a GYR Report > Closure of Audit Findings (NC cycle) > Reviewing took a few weeks or more.
- Maintaining compliance between the several IATF clauses and standards was very tedious task for the internal auditors of the client.
- The client has multiple management system audits being carried out at the same time which makes managing them extremely tough and it affects their overall efficiency.
- Information would get lost or get buried beneath the paperwork, therefore affecting the escalation and approval procedures.
- Lack of evidence for any and all non-conformances followed by the highly time consuming cycle for closing them was a huge issue that needed solving.
- Keeping track of multiple audits and wanting to know if they have been completed was a life draining task. The communication would never be proper and most of the cycle would be kept in dark until the very end.
- Manual creation of a GYR (Green, Yellow, Red) report with relevant scores for each response so that an overall audit score can be calculated along with retrieval of least scores and average scores was tiresome and involved more administrative work which prolonged the time required to generate the report.
Solutions Provided
With the proven digital suite that is Pro Inspector, transforming the entire QMS audit
cycle of the client, proved extremely beneficial and efficient. The entire manual
process was automated and made completely paperless. A more transparent look at
the solution was provided.
- With the audit cycle now digitized, the client no longer needs to hold opening/closing meetings. Auditors are assigned and informed remotely.
- Easy compliance management was provided to clauses with different smart checklists. Multiple audits can now be scheduled and monitored without any loss of data. The whole process becomes paperless therefore saving the client a lot of time and money.
- Both the audit reviewer and approver possess unlimited access to audit information and do not depend on manual activities anymore. Both reviewing and approving occur remotely.
- The GYR report is now generated automatically through Pro – Inspector. It shows an extremely detailed image of the QMS audit cycle of the company. Non-conformances and checklists are organized into the different clauses they belong to as well.
Advantages of the Mobile Audit Software solution provided
Pro-Inspector is a digital platform for inspections and audits. The tool simplifies the
auditing process by making it easy for anyone to effectively manage safety and
quality standards from a mobile device. Front line workers are empowered to report
issues quickly to prevent incidents due to inefficiency and limited visibility. Industries
wanting to effectively boost productivity and visibility through digitization have had a
lot of impact on Pro-Inspector’s growth.
To gain clarity and information about solutions we offer a demo on your request. Our
team will only be happy to contact you and discuss about your requirements in a short
Know more about Pro-Inspector’s applications and modules by going through our
website ( ).
Implemented solutions in 5+ countries, & 10+ industries
Over 15,000+ active users across the globe
One million inspections executed every year
Number of self-inspections rasied by 40%
Employee productivity raised by 60%
Increased and improved process compliance by 75%
Reduction in administrative work by 80%
Help create a paperwork free environment by 100%
What our Client's Say

“We have established our quality management systems in line with IATF standards, and environmental standards are also in line with ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ENMS 50001 and many others which were digitized from end to end using Pro-Inspector.”
Vice President